Trayvon Martin - the elephant in the room that is barely touched on ...
First of all, my condolences to the family and friends of Trayvon Martin for the horrible loss they have endured.There have been many beautiful and touching diaries about this young man that lost his...
View ArticlePlease Sign Petition on to Save Freedom-Seekers - with Poll
As the freedom-seekers are so desperately trying to free themselves from our horrible Government, from taxes, and above all from government imposed healthcare, I have created a petition on...
View ArticleUpdated: not RKBA - How much longer must we bear? (with poll)
Update: I clearly failed at generating a productive conversation on how to slow the carnage or even how many deaths are acceptable to defend the 2A rights perceived by gun enthusiasts. I changed the...
View ArticleWe'll never be able to reason with Second Amendment absolutists until we...
Among all the arguments (here and on other boards) since Newtown one thing has become clear. We are not talking the same language.To most of us it is a justice, political, economic or practical issue:...
View ArticleMass. officer loses gun in courthouse bathroom
Yet another legal gun that disappears.WAREHAM, Mass. (AP) — A Plymouth police officer’s gun has gone missing after he inadvertently left it in a courthouse bathroom. Yup, we must remember that all...
View ArticleHumbled and very thankful - with poll
To the anonymous benefactor that gave a gift subscription last night – thank you from the bottom of my heart!I am humbled by the generosity we always see here and I wasn’t expecting this at all. There...
View ArticleGunman killed 2 Santa Cruz cops - UPDATED
UPDATE - Thanks to everyone for the comments, the recs and the tips. A great suggestion made by BentLiberal in the comments:If you'd like to donate to the surving families of the detectives who were...
View ArticleWe clearly don't have a gun problem, it is a dog problem - with poll
Just a brief diary to show another example of how we clearly must do something about dogs in our Country as these are more dangerous than anyone thought.A few days ago we had perterfallow's Guns don't...
View ArticleWho could have foreseen? Study shows more gun laws = fewer deaths.
My oh my! who could have foreseen this?From the Boston Globe:States with the most gun control laws have the fewest gun-related deaths, according to a study that suggests sheer quantity of measures...
View ArticleUPDATE: Sandy Hook Ride on Washington - March 10 (Day 2) - In Awe of the...
UPDATE: After covering 107 miles today (in addition to the rallies), the Team will be spending the night at Exton, PA. Tomorrow they will ride on to Baltimore.Getting started on day 1 of the Ride Our...
View ArticleGo to a Public University in North Carolina? You life is now worth a bit less...
You read that right. If you attend a public university in N.C. your life is worth a little less as the N.C. House has just passed laws that forbid public universities from banning guns on their...
View ArticlePersonalized Handgun Safety Act of 2013, or using technology to stop the carnage
While I don't have my hopes up that Boehner and the teabagging Republicans will allow this bill to ever see the floor of the House, just the fact that it is filed will put a little more heat on the...
View ArticleCivil Rights and Gun Rights
So here we are in 2013 and the civil rights struggle is showing a lot of progress, but the job is nowhere near done.To wit we have these horrendous atrocities in the recent past:Gay man murdered in...
View ArticleWow, even tradMed is starting to notice the ludicrous "private" sales!
Earlier this week we had a diary on the rec list for a couple of days about how tradMed covers - or rather doesn't cover, or barely covers - shooting sprees in the US while these are covered by...
View ArticleMy comments last week were abhorrent and inexcusable. Please forgive me.
I was put in a timeout for about a week and I deserved it. My comments were completely out of line and they do not belong at a place like DailyKOS. Rather than rehash what happened and get into the...
View ArticleHere is where Jeb Bush was going today when he talked about Hispanics and...
Updated with more readable chart. Thanks for all the comments. Second update. As shmuelman pointed out, the Republicans are also doomed by the age demographics/trends (not just the...
View ArticleAbortion and Demographics
The changing demographics will very soon completely marginalize the Republicans into a regional party, even fringier than they are now. They have lost young voters, are tied or losing with the middle...
View ArticleMurkowski becomes third GOP senator to support marriage equality
I can't believe that no one has diaried this here (or if they did I missed it). I came across it on Yahoo News:Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski said on Wednesday that she now supports allowing...
View ArticleThe real reason the NRA opposes background checks - with poll
OK so even the weakened background check bill to plug some of the loopholes in our current background checks regulations got killed in the Senate. The House now doesn't even need to think about...
View ArticleUPDATED 3X: What is the real purpose of the NRA? - with poll
UPDATE 3: 8:17 PM EDT - That looks more like it, we are approaching a 3 to 1 margin for real freedom! But I must admit that I am disappointed; I expected overwhelming support and also too was sure that...
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